The Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection (MoGCSP) successfully concluded a two-day intensive training for Gender, Social Inclusion, and Upliftment (GSIU) Officers across various line ministries. The training, held as part of Component #4 of the Liberia Women Empowerment Project (LWEP), took place from Thursday, August 22 to Friday, August 23, 2024, at the Corina Hotel in Sinkor.
This initiative, funded by the World Bank, was designed to enhance the capacities of public institutions that are critical to the successful implementation of the LWEP. The training attracted approximately 50 technical staff from key ministries, including the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), Ministry of Education (MOE), Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), Ministry of Health (MOH), and Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP).
Participants were engaged in a series of comprehensive sessions focusing on gender mainstreaming, monitoring, tracking, and evaluating project outputs and outcomes. The training also included detailed instruction on conducting gender analysis using established frameworks and understanding gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response mechanisms. Additionally, the officers were trained on the GBV Referral Pathway, equipping them with the necessary tools to effectively apply this mechanism in their respective workplaces and communities.
LWEP Coordinator underscored the importance of the training, stating, “This initiative marks a significant advancement in our collective efforts to promote gender equality and empower women across Liberia. By enhancing the capacities of technical staff from key ministries, we are ensuring that public institutions are better equipped to monitor, track, and evaluate the outcomes of the LWEP, and effectively address issues related to gender-based violence.”
For his part, Director Samuel Ekyinabah, making a brief remarks on behalf of the Deputy Minister for Gender, applauded the LWEP for the training and look forward for additional capacity building opportunities for GSIU personnel.
The training is a pivotal component of the broader Liberia Women Empowerment Project, which is a five-year, US$44.6 million initiative aimed at fostering positive social norms, improving basic health and education services, promoting resilient livelihoods through community-led approaches, and strengthening public institutions to advance gender equality.
The LWEP is being implemented in six counties—Gbarpolu, Bomi, Cape Mount, Grand Gedeh, Rivercess, and Montserrado—benefiting a total of 267,200 individuals across 750 communities. Notably, 36,000 women are expected to benefit directly from livelihood grants provided under the project.
The Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection remains committed to building a more inclusive and equitable society where women and girls have equal access to opportunities and resources. The successful completion of the training is a testament to that commitment.
Communications Unit
Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection (MoGCSP)