The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (MGCSP) embarks on a groundbreaking 13-day operation beginning Monday, December 9, aimed at the immediate removal of children from the streets. The initiative forms part of the Ministry’s broader efforts to provide vulnerable children with a safe and supportive environment through reunification with families, placement in foster care, or temporary accommodation in transit homes.
Gender Minister, Hon. Gbemee Horace-Kollie will lead a team of social workers in one of the four demarcated operational zones, demonstrating the Ministry’s commitment to addressing the plight of street children. The exercise is set to begin at 9:00 AM, with the official kickoff taking place at the Ministry’s headquarters.
This operation is a critical milestone in the Ministry’s ongoing “Support a Child, Save the Future” project, which seeks to safeguard Liberia’s future by ensuring that all children have access to education, healthcare, and stable living conditions.
Speaking ahead of the launch, Minister Horace-Kollie emphasized the significance of the exercise:
“This is more than an intervention, it is a call to action for our society to protect its most vulnerable. These children are our future, and we are determined to give them the opportunities they deserve.”
The operation has been meticulously planned, with the city divided into four zones to ensure maximum coverage and effectiveness. Teams of social workers, in collaboration with community leaders and local organizations, will conduct the removals, prioritizing the children’s safety and well-being.
As the Ministry activates this pivotal project, it calls on stakeholders and the public to support these efforts in creating a more inclusive and nurturing society for all children.
Updates on the progress of the initiative will be provided regularly as the Ministry remains committed to transparency and collaboration throughout the exercise.
For further inquiries, contact:
Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection
Communication Unit
Phone: +231-886-924-412