…Project’s Performance and Updates High On The Agenda
The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Hon. Gbeme Horace-Kollie along with her lieutenants recently held a productive working session with the Liberia Women Empowerment Project – Project Management Unit (LWEP-PMU). The meeting focused on reviewing the project’s performance and discussing key updates to ensure its continued success and impact.
The Minister and the LWEP-PMU team assessed the current status of the project, evaluated progress against set goals and addressed any challenges. The meeting also provided an opportunity to strategize on future initiatives aimed at empowering women and promoting gender equality in Liberia.
High on the agenda were discussions about the implementation of the project’s activities, including women’s economic empowerment, leadership, and access to social services. The session emphasized the importance of enhancing coordination and ensuring the effective delivery of services to women and girls across the six project focused counties.
The Minister reaffirmed the Ministry’s commitment to advancing women’s rights and fostering greater gender equality in Liberia, highlighting the vital role of the Liberia Women Empowerment Project in achieving these objectives.
The LWEP is a 5-year World Bank funded project implemented by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social protection to support women empowerment in six (6) counties: River Cess, Grand Gedeh, Gbarpolu, Bomi, Grand Cape Mount Counties, and Rural Montserrado County respectively.