Gender Ends GBV Taskforce Retreat

The Ministry of Gender, Children & Social Protection with support from the EU/UN Sportlight Initiative through #UNDP Liberia on Wednesday, May 24, 2023 concluded a 2-day National Gender Based Violence (GBV) Taskforce Retreat held at the Royal Grand Hotel on 14th Street, Sinkor.

The meeting that lasted for two days (Tuesday, May 23-Wednesday, May 24, 2023), brought together representatives from over forty Civil Society Organizations, National & International Non-Governmental Organizations, Community Based Organizations, United Nations agencies, Ministries, Agencies and Commissions (MACs) and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs).

The two days gathering was aimed at providing a space for stakeholders to critically reflect and review the national GBV’s coordination mechanisms and programming strategies. This approach will help in strengthening institutions and make recommendation for improved accessibility and quality services for all SGBV’s survivors.

The National Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Taskforce was established to ensure the effective coordination of Gender Based Violence Intervention and Programming in Liberia. To date, this taskforce, under the leadership of the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, has over Forty (40) active members.

The sole objective of the taskforce is to monitor Gender Based Violence trend and interventions, discuss emerging issues that affect women, men, boys, girls and children while highlighting and addressing the challenges thereof through concrete interventions to include advocating for policy and institutional strengthening, instituting prevention mechanisms and ensuring proper coordination.

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